


1. 異年齢保育とは何か?



2. 異年齢保育がもたらすメリット

  1. リーダーシップの芽生え
  2. 思いやり・やさしさの育成
  3. 年下の子が受ける刺激と学び
  4. 多様な価値観ややり方に触れられる
  5. 協力やコミュニケーション能力の向上

3. ミントリーフの具体的な取り組み

  1. 朝の会や帰りの会を異年齢で行う
  2. 共同制作や共同遊びの時間を設ける
  3. 行事やイベントの縦割りチーム編成
  4. 日常の小さなサポートを奨励

4. 異年齢保育を通じた子どもの成長エピソード

  • 年中のKくんが持つリーダーシップの芽生え
  • 年少のMちゃんが年長の子どもを見て学んだ自立心

5. 保育士が果たす役割



6. 異年齢保育を成功させるためのポイント

  1. 無理強いはしない
  2. 環境設定を工夫する
  3. 成功体験を称える
  4. 保護者との情報共有





“Fostering Kindness and Independence Through Mixed Age Childcare—Real Growth Stories from Our Nursery”

In today’s world, where declining birthrates and the rise of nuclear families mean fewer natural opportunities for children of different ages to interact, creating such connections is more crucial than ever. When children of various ages spend time together, guiding each other and learning from one another, the experience can be incredibly enriching for all involved. At our nursery (MintLeaf International Preschool), we actively promote mixed age or “vertical” childcare, aiming to develop children’s kindness and sense of independence. This article discusses the goals, specific initiatives, and notable outcomes of our program.

1. What Is Mixed Age Childcare?

In many nurseries, children are grouped strictly by age. However, in mixed age childcare, we intentionally allow children of differing ages—such as a 0- to 2-year-old group and a 3- to 5-year-old group—to mingle in the same space and engage in shared activities. Through these interactions, older children learn to look after younger ones, while younger children gain insights and inspiration by observing their older peers. We often refer to this as “vertical grouping,” which allows children to learn from each other naturally, across age differences.

2. Benefits of Mixed Age Childcare

  1. Emerging Leadership
    When older kids help or show younger kids how to play, they naturally develop leadership skills. Phrases like “Let me show you how to do this” motivate them to take responsibility and guide others.
  2. Cultivating Empathy and Kindness
    In supporting younger children who are struggling, older kids learn to think about others’ feelings. It’s not about teachers instructing them to help, but rather an organic sense of “I’m older and want to help,” which encourages genuine empathy.
  3. Stimulating and Educating Younger Children
    Younger kids learn by watching older ones and imitating what they do, from assembling blocks to taking turns when speaking. They absorb these social norms and practical skills naturally during play.
  4. Encountering Different Perspectives
    With same-age groups, play and development levels are often similar. But in multi-age settings, children face challenges and discover new methods. Younger children see skills they have yet to learn, while older children find joy in realizing how “natural” skills to them can be novel to younger peers.
  5. Enhanced Communication and Cooperation
    In group work or events that mix different ages, children discuss roles and how to make activities enjoyable for everyone. This kind of environment naturally nurtures communication skills and teamwork.

3. How We Implement Mixed Age Childcare

  1. Morning and Closing Gatherings
    Several times a week, we forego age-specific classes and bring mixed-age groups together for morning or end-of-day meetings. Older kids call out the names of younger kids during attendance, and younger ones mirror the older children’s responses.
  2. Joint Projects and Cooperative Play
    We schedule regular sessions where children of different ages work together on arts and crafts, for example. Older kids might guide younger ones on how to use crayons or paints, fostering a shared sense of creativity and discovery.
  3. Vertical Teams for Major Events
    For events like sports days or recitals, teams are formed with older, middle, and younger kids together. The older children assume a leadership role, while the younger ones feel reassured and excited to join in.
  4. Encouraging Small Acts of Help
    During mealtimes or at cleanup, older children are gently prompted to assist younger ones. Rather than imposing the role, our staff offer suggestions like, “Could you help carry this, please?” instilling a desire to contribute among older kids.

4. Growth Stories from Multi-Age Childcare

  • Developing Leadership in K (Preschooler)
    One day, a younger child struggled to open the cap on a glue stick. K not only showed them how to open it but also helped tidy up afterward. Statements like, “I’m here, so don’t worry,” reassured the younger child to continue happily. It was a heartwarming moment that highlighted how children can support each other without direct adult intervention.
  • Learning Independence by Watching Older Children
    M, a younger child, used to rely heavily on adults when putting on shoes. But after observing older kids quickly getting ready and heading outside, M started mimicking their actions. Over time, she grew determined to put on her shoes without help, proudly exclaiming, “I can do it myself now!”

5. The Role of Caregivers

In mixed age settings, caregivers act more as facilitators than mere instructors. They observe and gently intervene when necessary—for instance, if an older child is overly focused on helping and neglects their own activity, or if a younger child seems hesitant to join in. Through collaboration and sharing observations, the caregivers tailor support to each child’s developmental stage, ensuring that the environment is inclusive and beneficial for everyone.

6. Key Points for Successful Mixed Age Childcare

  1. Avoid Forcing Roles
    We must be careful not to tell older children they “have to help just because they are older.” Instead, we create an environment where they naturally want to lend a hand.
  2. Thoughtful Environment Setup
    With varying ages using the same space, we adjust furniture and materials to minimize hazards and maintain clear visibility, allowing children to move freely and interact safely.
  3. Celebrate Success
    Whether it’s the child who helped or the one who received help, we praise both sides, reinforcing the positive emotions of cooperation and support.
  4. Open Communication with Parents
    We keep parents informed about any heartwarming interactions or surprising moments that occur during multi-age play. This helps extend these learning experiences into the home.

Conclusion—Nurturing Rich Relationships Through Mixed Age Childcare

Our multi-age approach encourages children to develop compassion, kindness, leadership, and cooperation through daily interactions with peers of different ages. Older children gain confidence and a sense of responsibility, while younger ones become more independent and eager to learn—a truly win-win scenario.

Moreover, once these cross-age friendships form, they continue to foster learning and growth in everyday conversations, events, and play. Such experiences ultimately become the foundation for interpersonal and social skills the children will carry into the future.

At our company-operated nursery, we’ll continue to prioritize mixed age care as a cornerstone, supporting every child’s unique growth journey. We remain committed to creating a warm and inclusive community where children of all ages learn, help each other, and grow together.

