1. 子どもの興味を観察する
- 遊び方を見る:子どもがどんなおもちゃや道具に興味を示しているかを観察します。たとえば、ブロックで遊ぶのが好きなら、建築や構造に興味があるかもしれません。
- 質問に注目する:子どもがよく口にする「なぜ?」や「どうして?」に耳を傾けましょう。質問には学びのヒントが隠されています。
- 行動のパターンを知る:特定の活動を繰り返す場合、それが子どもの興味の中心であることが多いです。
2. 環境を整える:「第3の教師」としての家
- 専用スペースを設ける:子どもが自由に使えるアートコーナーや工作スペースを作ります。テーブルや棚に画材や道具を置くだけでも十分です。
- 自然素材を取り入れる:木のブロック、石、葉っぱなど、自然物を使った遊びを取り入れることで、感覚を刺激し学びを深めます。
- 子どもの手が届く配置にする:モンテッソーリ教育にも通じますが、子どもが自分で物を取り出し、片付けられるような配置を心がけます。
3. 対話を通じて学びを深める
- オープンな質問をする:
といった質問を投げかけます。 - 子どもの意見を尊重する:
子どもが答えた内容を否定せず、「面白いね」「そうなんだ」と肯定的に受け入れる姿勢が大切です。 - 共感しながら新たな学びにつなげる:
4. プロジェクト型学習を取り入れる
- 植物を育てるプロジェクト:
家庭菜園を始めて、植物の成長を観察します。種をまき、水をやり、成長の記録を写真や絵で残すことで学びを広げられます。 - 建築プロジェクト:
レゴや段ボールを使って、子どもが好きな建物や街を作るプロジェクトを進めます。完成後に家族で発表会をしてみましょう。 - 自然観察プロジェクト:
5. 学びを記録し共有する
- 写真を撮る:
子どもが作った作品や遊びの様子を写真に残します。 - 絵日記を書く:
子どもにその日楽しかったことや学んだことを絵や言葉で表現させる習慣をつけます。 - 親子でアルバムを作る:
- 子どもの興味を観察する
- 環境を整える
- 対話を通じて学びを深める
- プロジェクト型学習を取り入れる
- 学びを記録し共有する
5 Tips for Practicing the Reggio Emilia Approach at Home
The Reggio Emilia approach is an educational philosophy that values children’s autonomy and seeks to nurture their curiosity and interests. Originating in Reggio Emilia, Italy, this approach is now recognized globally as a highly effective way to foster creativity and critical thinking in children.
You don’t need special facilities to incorporate the Reggio Emilia approach at home. With small adjustments to your daily life, you can significantly enhance your child’s learning experiences. In this article, we’ll share five practical tips to help you bring the Reggio Emilia philosophy into your home.
1. Observe Your Child’s Interests
The foundation of the Reggio Emilia approach is respecting and nurturing a child’s interests and curiosity. To do this, parents must carefully observe their child to identify what captures their attention.
Key Points for Observation
- Pay attention to playtime:
Notice which toys or tools your child gravitates toward. For example, if they enjoy building blocks, they might have an interest in architecture or structures. - Listen to their questions:
Children’s frequent “why” or “how” questions often provide clues to their areas of curiosity. - Recognize behavioral patterns:
If your child repeatedly engages in a specific activity, it is likely a core interest.
Keeping a journal of your observations can be helpful when planning activities later.
2. Create a Nurturing Environment: The Home as the “Third Teacher”
In the Reggio Emilia approach, the environment is considered the “third teacher.” This means creating a space that naturally encourages children to explore and learn. At home, you can set up an environment that fosters curiosity and self-directed learning.
Tips for Creating a Learning Environment at Home
- Set up dedicated spaces:
Create an art or craft corner where your child can freely use materials like paper, glue, and scissors. - Incorporate natural materials:
Use items like wooden blocks, stones, and leaves to stimulate sensory experiences and deeper engagement. - Make items accessible:
Place materials within your child’s reach so they can independently take what they need and put it back.
A well-prepared environment can spark your child’s natural curiosity and encourage self-initiated learning.
3. Use Dialogue to Deepen Learning
A key principle of the Reggio Emilia approach is learning through “dialogue” between children and adults. This involves more than just talking—it’s about asking questions and drawing out a child’s thoughts and feelings.
Examples of Effective Dialogue
- Ask open-ended questions:
“Why do you think that happened?”
“What are you drawing? Can you tell me about it?”
“What do you want to build with this toy?” - Respect their opinions:
Respond positively to their answers, saying things like, “That’s interesting” or “I see.” Avoid dismissing or correcting their thoughts. - Encourage further exploration:
For example, you might say, “This flower is blooming because it gets sunlight. What do you think happens in the shade?”
Through dialogue, children can deepen their understanding and discover new ideas.
4. Incorporate Project-Based Learning
One of the hallmarks of the Reggio Emilia approach is project-based learning, which involves exploring a topic of interest in depth over an extended period. At home, you can introduce projects to help your child engage deeply with their interests.
Examples of Home Projects
- Plant-Growing Project:
Start a small garden where your child can plant seeds, water them, and observe their growth. Document the process with drawings or photos. - Building Project:
Use LEGO or cardboard to construct buildings or towns together. You can even host a “family presentation” to showcase the final creations. - Nature Observation Project:
Go to a nearby park to observe insects, birds, or plants. Use a field guide to identify species and learn more about them.
Projects should be flexible and progress at your child’s pace. There’s no need to rush or impose deadlines.
5. Document and Share the Learning Process
Documentation is an essential element of the Reggio Emilia approach. Recording a child’s learning journey not only allows you to reflect on their growth but also provides opportunities to share their progress with others, enriching the experience.
Ways to Document Learning
- Take photos:
Capture your child’s creations and moments of discovery. - Create a journal:
Encourage your child to draw or write about what they learned each day. - Make a family album:
Compile the progress and results of projects into an album and review it together.
Documentation helps children revisit their efforts, fostering a sense of accomplishment and confidence.
We’ve explored five tips for practicing the Reggio Emilia approach at home:
- Observe Your Child’s Interests
- Create a Nurturing Environment
- Use Dialogue to Deepen Learning
- Incorporate Project-Based Learning
- Document and Share the Learning Process
These practices don’t require special tools or extensive knowledge—they are simple adjustments you can make in your daily life. By respecting your child’s individuality and nurturing their curiosity, you can help them discover the joy of learning. As your child grows, you too will experience new insights and moments of wonder.