



1. 自己肯定感を高めるほめ方



1-1. 結果ではなくプロセスをほめる


  • 例:「テストでいい点数だったね!」ではなく、「一生懸命勉強したからいい点数が取れたんだね」と伝える。

1-2. 具体的にほめる


  • 例:「きれいに片付けてえらいね」ではなく、「おもちゃをきちんと種類ごとに分けて片付けたのが素晴らしいね」と伝える。

1-3. 自分の気持ちを伝える


  • 例:「あなたが助けてくれたおかげで、とても助かったよ」と伝える。

1-4. 成果を認めて共有する


  • 例:「この絵、家族みんなに見せてもいい?」と聞くことで、子どもの努力をみんなで祝う。

2. 自己肯定感を高める叱り方



2-1. 行動を叱り、人格を否定しない


  • NG:「なんでそんなバカなことをするの!」
  • OK:「約束を守らなかったのはよくないね。どうしたら次は守れるかな?」

2-2. 冷静に伝える


  • 例:「大声を出すと周りの人が困るよ。静かに話そうね。」

2-3. 叱る理由を説明する


  • 例:「おもちゃを投げると壊れてしまうから、優しく扱おうね。」

2-4. 修復の方法を一緒に考える


  • 例:「友達を傷つけたときはどうすればいいと思う?謝る言葉を一緒に考えよう。」

2-5. ポジティブな行動を認める


  • 例:「さっきは友達に謝れてえらかったね。その行動は素晴らしいよ。」

3. ほめることと叱ることのバランス



  • ほめることを日常に取り入れる
  • 叱るときも愛情を示す
  • ほめと叱りを連携させる

4. 自己肯定感を育てるための親の心構え



  • 完璧を求めない
  • 親も自分を肯定する
  • 子どもの個性を尊重する




  1. 結果ではなくプロセスをほめる
  2. 具体的にほめる
  3. 自分の気持ちを伝える
  4. 成果を認めて共有する


  1. 行動を叱り、人格を否定しない
  2. 冷静に伝える
  3. 叱る理由を説明する
  4. 修復の方法を一緒に考える
  5. ポジティブな行動を認める


How to Praise and Discipline to Boost Your Child’s Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is the foundation for children to see themselves as valuable individuals and to approach challenges with confidence. The way you praise and discipline them in everyday life can significantly influence their self-esteem.

This article outlines specific strategies for praising and disciplining effectively to nurture self-esteem in children.

1. How to Praise to Boost Self-Esteem

Praising is a powerful way to foster self-esteem, but the way it is delivered matters. Here are tips for effective praise:

Specific Points

1-1. Praise the Process, Not Just the Outcome

Recognize the effort and thought that went into the achievement, rather than focusing solely on the result. This helps children value their growth and learning process.

  • Example:
    Instead of saying, “Great job on the test!” say, “You worked so hard studying for the test, and that’s why you did well.”

1-2. Be Specific

Avoid vague compliments like “Good job” and instead focus on specific actions or traits. This helps children identify their strengths.

  • Example:
    Instead of saying, “Nice cleanup,” say, “You sorted the toys by type so neatly—that’s fantastic!”

1-3. Share Your Feelings

Incorporate your own emotions when praising to show the impact of their actions on others.

  • Example:
    “You helped me so much by cleaning up. It made me feel really happy.”

1-4. Celebrate and Share Achievements

Share your child’s successes with family and friends to give them a greater sense of accomplishment.

  • Example:
    “Can we show your drawing to everyone? It’s so well done!”

2. How to Discipline to Boost Self-Esteem

Disciplining can often feel negative, but done correctly, it can guide children’s behavior without damaging their self-esteem. Here’s how to discipline constructively:

Specific Points

2-1. Address Behavior, Not Personality

Focus on the problematic behavior instead of criticizing the child’s character or worth.

  • Wrong:
    “Why are you always so careless?”
  • Right:
    “Leaving your toys out can cause someone to trip. Let’s find a better way to put them away.”

2-2. Stay Calm

Discipline is more effective when delivered calmly. Emotional outbursts can distract the child from understanding the lesson.

  • Example:
    “When you shout indoors, it’s hard for others to concentrate. Let’s use quieter voices.”

2-3. Explain the Reason

Clearly explain why the behavior is unacceptable and what they can do differently next time.

  • Example:
    “Throwing toys can break them. Let’s be gentle with them so they last longer.”

2-4. Collaborate on Solutions

Work with your child to find ways to fix the situation, fostering a sense of responsibility.

  • Example:
    “What can we do to make your friend feel better? Let’s think of some kind words together.”

2-5. Acknowledge Positive Changes

After disciplining, recognize and praise any efforts the child makes to improve.

  • Example:
    “You apologized to your friend—that was very kind of you. I’m proud of you.”

3. Balancing Praise and Discipline

A healthy balance of praise and discipline is essential. Children gain confidence from being praised and learn appropriate behavior through constructive discipline.

Practical Tips

  • Incorporate Praise Daily:
    Recognize even small successes or efforts to build a habit of praising frequently.
  • Show Love During Discipline:
    Let your child know that discipline comes from a place of care and love.
  • Connect Praise and Discipline:
    After disciplining, follow up with encouragement like, “I know you’ll do better next time,” to maintain their self-esteem.

4. A Parent’s Mindset for Fostering Self-Esteem

Parents’ attitudes and approaches are crucial in building a child’s self-esteem.

Key Mindsets

  • Don’t Demand Perfection:
    Accept that failure is part of growth. Encourage your child to view mistakes as opportunities to improve.
  • Model Self-Acceptance:
    Demonstrate a positive attitude toward yourself to show your child how to value themselves.
  • Respect Individuality:
    Avoid comparisons with others and honor your child’s unique pace and personality.


To boost your child’s self-esteem, keep the following points in mind for praising and disciplining:

How to Praise

  1. Praise the process, not just the outcome.
  2. Be specific.
  3. Share your feelings.
  4. Celebrate and share achievements.

How to Discipline

  1. Address behavior, not personality.
  2. Stay calm.
  3. Explain the reason.
  4. Collaborate on solutions.
  5. Acknowledge positive changes.

By balancing praise and discipline thoughtfully, you can help your child grow with confidence and a strong sense of self-worth. Enjoy nurturing their self-esteem as part of your parenting journey!

