



1. 質問に答えるだけでなく、共に考える姿勢を見せる



  • 「どうしてだと思う?」と子どもに逆質問をすることで、子ども自身が考えるきっかけを与えます。
  • 「実際に試してみようか?」と実験や観察を通して答えを見つける方法を提案します。

ポイント: 答えをすぐに教えるのではなく、一緒に考えながら答えを見つけることが、学びのプロセスを豊かにします。

2. 身近な事例や体験を通じて学ばせる



  • 「今日はどうして雨が降ったんだろうね?」という質問には、空を見上げたり、天気予報を調べたりして、実際に観察することを勧めます。
  • キッチンで料理をしながら、「どうしてお米がふくらむの?」という質問に、実際にお米を水に浸けて、膨らむ様子を観察することができます。

ポイント: 実生活に即した例を使うことで、学びが身近で実践的なものとなり、子どもは理解しやすくなります。

3. 自分で調べる習慣を身につける



  • 図鑑やインターネットを使って、一緒に調べる時間を作ります。例えば、「どうして空は青いの?」という質問には、空の色に関する本を一緒に見ながら調べることができます。
  • 週に1回、家族で「調べ学習の日」を作り、疑問に思ったことを各自で調べ、発表するという活動を行います。

ポイント: 調べる過程で得られる知識や情報を、親も一緒に学びながら、子どもと共に成長することが重要です。

4. 「なぜ?」に答えるための質問力を育てる



  • 子どもが質問した内容について、さらに掘り下げる質問を投げかけます。例えば、「どうして星は光っているの?」という質問に対して、「星が光るために何が必要なのか?」と尋ね、次のステップに進みます。
  • 「なぜ?」という質問を繰り返すことで、思考を深めていく習慣を作ります。

ポイント: 問いを深めることで、子どもの好奇心をさらに引き出し、考える力を育てることができます。

5. 多様な学びの手段を提供する



  • 実験や工作を通して学ぶことができるテーマを取り入れます。例えば、「どうして物は浮くの?」という質問には、実際に水に浮かべて物の浮力を観察します。
  • 美術館や博物館、自然観察など、外出先でも学びの場を作り、実物に触れる経験を提供します。

ポイント: 学びの場を多様化することで、子どもは視野が広がり、柔軟に考える力を養うことができます。



  1. 質問に共に考える姿勢を見せる
  2. 身近な事例や体験を通じて学ばせる
  3. 自分で調べる習慣を身につける
  4. 質問力を育てる
  5. 多様な学びの手段を提供する


Turning Your Child’s “Why?” into Learning Opportunities at Home

Children are naturally curious and ask a lot of “why?” questions. How you respond to these questions and how you engage with them can significantly impact your child’s learning journey. The home environment provides the perfect opportunity to nurture that curiosity and turn their questions into meaningful learning experiences. By effectively leveraging these “why?” moments, parents can encourage their child’s exploration, critical thinking, and overall growth.

In this article, we’ll explore ways to turn your child’s “why?” into valuable learning moments at home.

1. Show a Willingness to Think Together, Not Just Answer Immediately

When a child asks “why?”, instead of providing an immediate answer, it’s important to model thinking together. This helps children develop problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities.

How to Implement:

  • Ask them back, “What do you think?” or “Why do you think that happens?” to encourage them to think and come up with their own ideas.
  • Suggest exploring the answer together, such as, “Shall we try an experiment to find out?”

Rather than providing the answer right away, engage in the process of discovering the answer together, enriching the learning experience.

2. Use Everyday Examples and Experiences to Teach

Children’s “why?” questions often arise from everyday experiences. By relating those questions to real-life examples, you can deepen their understanding in a practical way.

How to Implement:

  • If your child asks, “Why is it raining today?” you could explore the weather by looking at the sky or checking a weather forecast together.
  • When your child asks, “Why does rice expand when cooked?” try demonstrating it by cooking rice and observing the process together.

Using examples from real life makes learning more relatable and concrete, helping children understand concepts more easily.

3. Encourage Independent Research Habits

Instead of always answering your child’s “why?” immediately, encourage them to research and find answers on their own. This fosters independence and the ability to learn on their own.

How to Implement:

  • Use books, the internet, or documentaries to look up answers together. For example, if they ask, “Why is the sky blue?”, explore a book or online resource about the atmosphere and light.
  • Dedicate one day a week as “research day,” where everyone looks up something they are curious about and shares their findings.

While researching, parents can also learn along with the child, showing that learning is a lifelong process.

4. Foster Questioning Skills to Answer “Why?” More Effectively

To answer “why?” effectively, it’s important to help children develop questioning skills. Encouraging children to ask more specific or deeper questions will help them gain a deeper understanding.

How to Implement:

  • When your child asks, “Why do stars shine?” encourage them to ask deeper questions like, “What makes the stars glow?” and explore the reasons behind the phenomenon.
  • Make a habit of asking “why?” repeatedly to stimulate thinking and guide your child toward deeper insights.

Deepening questions allows children to explore concepts more thoroughly and enhances their problem-solving and critical thinking abilities.

5. Provide Diverse Learning Methods

While answering “why?” questions is important, offering a variety of learning tools and experiences can enhance your child’s ability to learn in different ways. Visual, auditory, and hands-on experiences all play a role in reinforcing their understanding.

How to Implement:

  • Integrate experiments, art projects, or activities that allow children to physically engage with concepts. For example, to explore “Why do objects float?”, try conducting a water experiment to observe buoyancy.
  • Visit museums or go on nature walks to encounter real-world examples that prompt further questions.

Providing diverse learning experiences helps children broaden their perspectives and strengthens their understanding of the world.


Turning your child’s “why?” into a learning opportunity involves thinking together, engaging with the world around you, and helping them find answers. Here are some ways to turn everyday questions into valuable learning moments:

  1. Show a willingness to think together, not just answer immediately.
  2. Use everyday examples and experiences to teach.
  3. Encourage independent research habits.
  4. Foster questioning skills to answer “why?” more effectively.
  5. Provide diverse learning methods.

By learning, thinking, and growing together as a family, you can cultivate your child’s curiosity and help them develop a love for learning.

